I’m dropping in just to let everyone know I’m still around. And to give a tiny update…

I have a lot of work ahead of me in getting the To Sleep… album completed. Vocals, some guitar and keyboard work and then of course mixing and mastering. Writing lyrics are the hardest part for me as I have been getting way too deep into the mythology and the detail of the individual items I’m writing about. There is this serious pressure to one up myself in every way, so that pressure is affecting my productivity.

You can know about it, but it is another thing to do something about it.

I’m considering trying Eno’s Oblique Strategies at least for one of the songs to break the logjam. Once the words start flowing they usually are a torrent, that that’s the hope right now. I also have wanted to pull in some outside help both vocally and also creatively – doing this had wonderful results with Durga McBroom and the song “8:46” that will be on this album, so it seems like a great idea to foster another vocalist or two on other tracks.

In other news – just received this very nice review of “Foucault’s Pendulum” courtesy Gerald Hawey @ progprofil.com. Its in french, so use your browser’s translation function if you don’t read french as your first or a native language.

Finally – I thought up a future project that would be somewhat of a joke project. But the reaction to the funny song titles (a response to my annoyance with day to day life and news here in Florida and also California) has encouraged me to potentially look at doing some work on it. I also have to write and produce a song for the Pandora project Nick Katona has asked me to think up and maybe collaborate with other MRR stablemates. I’ll let you know about that when I remember to post here the next time. Ciao!